Monday, August 2, 2010

Instant Homework - Saikyo Yaki, Enoki No Miso-Jidate, Zakkoku Mai

While researching the Washoku theme, we decided to get our own copy of the Andoh cookbook and cook from it for Sunday dinner. Serendipity! We just happened to cook part of the menu from Kirk and Ei-Lun's post. Starting out at the Nijiya market, we got the ingredients for our dinner, which would consist of the Broiled fish, miso soup, and rice.The miso soup was pretty straight forward, and did not take long even with making the dashi. We used a medium colored, organic Nijiya brand miso for all the dishes, and it turned out well. The soup required no seasoning beyond the miso and tasted similar to restaurant soup. We used green onion as the garnish and it went well with the enoki mushrooms and tofu.The rice was even easier. Nijiya sold packets of mixed grains, pre-measured in small pouches, which you just mixed with the rice before putting in the rice cooker.
We used the "impatient" marinade for the fish, some salmon we got from the market. We couldn't find any sarashi cloth so used some stretchy gauze to cover the fish. We also put grated lemon peel in the marinade as suggested. In the end there wasn't a lot of marinade and we wondered if the fish would get any flavor at all through the thicker cloth. It turns out the fish had a nice mild flavor, but could probably use some more salt. Perhaps the sarashi cloth was the key for more intensity. Also we wondered why you wouldn't just put the marinade directly on the fish. Anyway it tasted pretty good nonetheless, and the crispy salmon skin was especially delicious. We baked the fish under the broiler for about 4 minutes on the skin side and about 1.5 minutes on the flip side. It probably cooked a bit more than needed, but was not too bad, although cutting the cooking time by a minute would probably be perfect. The fish turned out a bit blacker than ideal. We garnished the fish with some lemon wedges and shiso leaves (Yurah loves shiso leaves). All in all it was a pretty good and easy meal, and seasoning the fish more and cooking it less next time will probably make it even better.

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