Sunday, September 26, 2010

You had me at Zenzai. Washoku dessert: Zensai Parfait.

From the Washoku cookbook by Elizabeth Andoh: "I top a scoop of green tea ice cream with a shower of crunchy corn flakes (trust me on this - it works) and a spoonful of warm, chunky bean jam (think hot fudge sauce), repeat the order, and then top the whole thing off with a dollop of whipped cream and a bright yellow chestnut."

To make the green tea ice cream, we needed matcha powder, but only found bags with a combination of leaves and powder.

So we improvised and used a sifter to get the amount of powder needed.

Boiled some simple syrup and mixed a small amount to the tea powder and then to the entire pot of simple syrup.

Strained the powder + simple syrup mixture into a mixture of milk and cream.
Mixture went into the ice cream maker and voila, home-made green tea ice cream 30 min later. We liked how using the tea leaves and powder combo left some speckles in the ice cream, similar to vanilla bean ice cream.
Starting the red bean jam
After several rinses with fresh water plus boiling/reducing (minimum 3 times) with the addition of brown and white sugar and a dash of light soy sauce, we finally had our puree 2+ hours later. You can tell it's the right consistency when you can draw a line down the middle with a spoon.
The rest was simply assembly: green tea ice cream, red bean jam, cornflakes, repeat, then topped with home-made whipped cream (which we made but didn't take pictures of) with the finaly topping of a sugary glazed chestnut (purchased in a glass jar from a Japanese market).
Overall a tasty, refreshing and light dish with multiple layers of flavor and texture. Would definitely make the green tea ice cream again, but not sure the red bean jam was worth the effort. I'd probably purchase it if making this again. It would cut down the time in the kitchen by more than half!

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