Friday, March 12, 2010

Coquilles St. Jacques à la Fondue d'Endives: You Complete Me!

Lemon Butter Seared Scallops on a bed of Endives.

We originally went to Whole Foods to get a few scallops. We got four large ones to make this dish, but then Lee’s brother, Chen, mentioned that we should get the Japanese scallops at Trader Joe’s, since they were sweeter. So we sashimi’d the WF scallops, and got TJ’s scallops for our trial run.

We only bought one endive, so we cut it up smaller than the recipe had indicated. Lee cooked up the endives, and seared the scallops, while I prepared the lemon butter sauce.

Plating the three elements (endives, scallops, and sauce) was fairly easy. I put some swipes of sauce on the sides for presentation (Kirk stepped it up on that steak photo!!), and sprinkled the chives on.

Each element had its distinct flavor. The endives were a little bitter and crisp, the scallops were soft in the center with a crusted edge, and the sauce was lemony, buttery, creamy, and lightly seasoned. But when the contrasting parts came together (you have to eat all the pieces together Tim/Lee, not separately!!), they balanced out and complemented one another. I really liked this dish when put together. It's very simple yet complex in taste.

Endives cooking.

Endives laid to rest.

Searing the scallops.

Starting the sauce with fresh-squeezed lemon juice.

Voila! Plated and ready for a photo.

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